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Create your team identity and develop trust. 

During each step of the process, I specifically outline what I will lead and work with you on.


Image by Anthony Tori
Step 1 - What we stand for

We will take your team through multiple live exercises to help them identify their roles and responsibilities.




Project Meeting
Step 3 - What are we currently doing


Together we will identify and review your team's current work and projects, to determine what is, and what is not aligned to the established goals.​



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Step 2 - What we need to do


Through additional exercises and tools, we will prioritize goals and identify the work and potential challenges to achieve them.  â€‹

All Hands In
Step 4 - How do we want work together


Through team-building activities and identifying operational norms, we will help your team determine how they want to interact and work together.


Image by Zhuo Cheng you
Step 5 - What do we want other people to know


Together we will determine what information your team needs to share with stakeholders about your function.  Typically, this is information that makes your job easier once stakeholders are made aware of it.


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